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New Homes

Would you like a brand new home without all the hassle associated with the construction process? If you're one of the thousands of Australians that dream of a high quality house made with premium materials, we can help. As experienced new home builders in Canberra, we can offer a number of solutions to suit your home building needs.

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Knockdown & Rebuild

Love your address, but aren’t so impressed with the home that occupies it? Then imagine creating your dream home without having to uproot your life, replacing your old home with a stylish and modern design customised for your lifestyle. We’re not talking about a renovation. We’re talking about a knockdown and rebuild!

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Units & Townhouses

If you have a large block and can subdivide it, or have bought a big block of land for development, Xclusive Construction can create stylish new build units and townhouses that will attract premium prices. These investment properties can turn idle space into a thriving community that can bring you significant extra income.

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